What devices are used in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma

All men of different ages are susceptible to various diseases of the prostate gland. This is especially true for people who fall into the so-called risk group. At present, doctors are increasingly diagnosing diseases such as prostatitis or prostate adenoma. Of course, these pathologies require effective treatment.

In addition to existing therapeutic and surgical methods, physiotherapy may also differ. To facilitate the treatment of diseases, special devices have been created that eliminate the inflammatory process and benign neoplasms. For the treatment of prostatitis or prostate adenoma, such a device allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms and make a man feel better.

Use of modern devices in the treatment of prostate diseases

device for the treatment of prostatitis in men

The use of devices for home treatment is possible only after a thorough examination of the patient and the appointment of the necessary recommendations. You can buy a special device for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, so as not to visit the physiotherapy room every day.

The following types of devices can be distinguished here:

  • transrectal device;
  • non-invasive device;
  • thermal spray device;
  • magnetic devices;
  • laser devices;
  • ultrasonic devices;
  • vibration stimulators;
  • electrical appliances;
  • anti-parasitic devices.

Transrectal Devices

A transrectal device for home treatment allows for a purposeful action in the prostate gland, thereby increasing the therapeutic effect, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and helping to improve rapidly.

The principle of their action is very simple, as a result of which swelling of the genitourinary system is reduced and blood circulation in the prostate is improved.

Since transrectal access is performed directly from the rectum, the following contraindications will be a restriction on the use of the devices:

  • prostate cancer or tuberculosis;
  • Hemorrhoids, cracks, inflammation and cancer of the rectum and anus.

In other cases, such a device for the treatment of prostatitis enhances drug treatment and quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms.

Ultrasonic devices

An ultrasound device for the treatment of prostatitis or prostate adenoma has a therapeutic effect using a special ultrasound that results from vibration. If the patient uses such a device for the treatment of prostate adenoma or prostatitis, after a short time can be observed symptoms that have a positive effect on muscle tone and a significant elimination of obstruction in the prostate gland.

Anti-interference devices

antiparasitic devices for the treatment of prostatitis

Antiparasitic devices for the treatment of diseased organs act by bioresonance. With the help of resonant waves, a therapeutic effect is created on the muscle tissue, as a result of which the inflammatory process and the severity of edema are significantly reduced.

In addition, these devices help relieve the following symptoms:

  • urinary problems;
  • pain and burning sensation in the perineum;
  • decreased sexual desire.

Vibration stimulators

Vibration stimulants allow you to easily get rid of diseases of the genitourinary system in a short time, increasing the effect of drug treatment. Such procedures can be performed both at home and in a medical facility.

What is the efficiency of the device? Acoustic vibration improves muscle tone, reduces stagnation and accelerates lymph flow, as well as blood circulation to the organs.

Laser devices

Laser therapy is exposed to less effective infrared radiation. They have a good ability to penetrate both skin cells and the walls of the rectum.

As a result of this therapy, the process of cell regeneration is accelerated. The swelling is quickly eliminated, tissue immunity is increased, and a good analgesic effect is provided, which helps with severe pain. The combined use of drugs and laser physiotherapy increases the therapeutic effect, which affects the speed of recovery.

Non-invasive devices

non-invasive devices for the treatment of prostatitis

The non-invasive device has almost the same principle of operation for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men, but unlike the transrectal device, the man has no emotional stress, anxiety and physical discomfort, because the procedures are performed externally on the skin. These quantum therapy devices are completely safe, very simple to use at home and unpretentious in terms of maintenance.

Non-invasive devices can have a complex effect on the course of the disease. For example, a device for the treatment of prostate adenoma or prostatitis can combine laser, infrared, LED radiation with the effect of a therapeutic magnetic field.

A course of treatment in two or three sessions can eliminate swelling, reduce pain, improve erythrocyte function and overall well-being of the patient.

Magnetic devices

Magnetotherapy is another way to treat diseases of the genitourinary system in men and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms. The healing effect is achieved due to magnetic waves.


Such a device for the treatment of prostate adenoma or prostatitis can affect the pathological focus of the disease using electrical impulses that have a restorative effect.

During such a procedure, the male body has the following positive effects:

electrostimulants for the treatment of prostatitis
  • lymphatic circulation has improved significantly;
  • increases the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels;
  • The metabolism of cellular processes is normalized, which leads to the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

However, keep in mind that this quantum therapy device is electric, so the use of such devices is strictly prohibited if they are implanted and even if external pacemakers are installed and there is a history of heart failure. In any case, a doctor's consultation is required first.

Complex exposure devices

In addition to the medical devices listed above for home treatment of the prostate, there are several physiotherapy options for complex effects. Such a device for the treatment of prostatitis or prostate adenoma has several functional properties, thereby enhancing the therapeutic effect.

A device for the treatment of prostate adenoma or prostatitis is an effective and fast solution to the problem. However, such home procedures should be closely monitored by a physician. Only a specialist can recommend a device type that suits you in a particular situation, prescribe a course and give recommendations.